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Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Five ways to ensure that you experience a disaster's birthday!

A birthday is a special moment. Now only you will get one each year, the majority want to make sure that everything goes well for his party at the big day. However, if you are one of those rare few who wants to experience a disaster of birthday, this practical guide placed you on the right track to experiment with success a catastrophe of such. Just follow our five key steps, and we guarantee that your birthday will end in a great fizzle.

1. Choose a location without doing any research background or work with any professional - after all, each place is pretty the same!

If you want to make sure that your birthday is a real disaster, it is one of the most important steps. Whatever you do, not get in touch with birthday planners or talk to your friends about anything in advance. Instead, just do a simple search on the internet and choose a place randomly. After all, no concern for space, the type of public, staff, management or even the music, because it aims at a birthday disaster. Avoiding professionals, can ensure yourself the disaster you are looking for.

2 Assume that instead of birthday celebration has no cover charge.

This is one that your friends definitely. Absolutely not, no way, shape or form, consult with anyone on the deck cargo. Although there are some services to make sure that your guests will not pay cover, which is not his goal here to all. Instead, stop completely destination. After all, everyone loves you, so why they should be worried about if they are paying $20, $30, or even buy a bottle of $500 to get in the door.? By assuming that the place has no cover charge and do not do homework, ensure that your guests will never forget you or your birthday. After all, life is already so cheap, that last thing no one is going to worry about is a cover charge.

3. Not knowing in advance the music.

The music is the same everywhere and anywhere Ol ' insurance that is the perfect place to find music that you and your friends love randomly when you are to celebrate his birthday. They are fairly certain to dance the night away from style no matter where to go, so definitely not judgement of professional birthday planners. In addition, you can even decide that you would like to make the turn or the mashed potatoes.

4 Assume that your friends will pay happily for drinks without regards to costs.

This is truly a no-brainer. Your friends are made of money, so last thing dealt with after paying a high coverage, wincing at the sounds of bad music and avoids the rats, the price of the drink. Bluntly, no one is going to care if a drink costs $18 or $25, because after all it is your day. If you want to make sure that his friends are angry, sober and looking for a cabin for someone else, this step is mandatory. Angry friends are always key to make sure that you have a birthday disaster.

5. Don't worry about be sure that your friends will provide all, or even going. How could a problem anywhere, it be when you know that all the clubs are open to all, no relation to the appearance, money, etc.?

There's nothing on the birthday of one of his friends were leaving the cold while the rest of his party inside is to pay for overpriced drinks, dancing and flagrant you appalled eyes. Why not make that angry people inside and outside of the headquarters? Everyone will think you're an idiot, and his friend frustrated surely will find humor to be invited to a place you can not enter. Birthday fun for all! It's a nice final touch in the process of ensuring that his birthday is a complete disaster.

Follow these five steps, and ensures that your birthday party will recall for years!